P>This is Cooper and today, I'm going to be speaking about the basics of life insurance. What I did was, I went to OPM through a website, like I typically do, and printed off some basic information just to make sure that what I'm talking about is actually fact. But first, I'd like to speak on some basic information about FEGLI. FEGLI stands for Federal Employee Group Life Insurance. A lot of federal employees don't know that it's called FEGLI, they just know it as their life insurance. However, whenever you hear someone mention FEGLI, they are talking about the federal employee group life insurance. FEGLI was started on August 29th, 1954, making it one of the oldest programs out there. It serves and covers federal employees and firms, and something surprising that many don't know is that FEGLI is actually the largest group life insurance program in the entire world. It has over 4 million federal employees, retirees, and their family members covered worldwide. Another interesting fact is that FEGLI is not controlled or funded by the federal government. It is actually taken care of by MetLife, one of the largest insurance companies in the world. MetLife is responsible for paying out premiums and life insurance benefits. Basic life insurance is something that nearly all federal employees have, with the exception of those who waived it or got rid of it. For most federal employees, the cost is 15 cents per thousand of their salary, per pay period. This rate remains fixed throughout their career. It is important to note that when you retire and surpass your service, you have the option to drop basic life insurance. If you choose not to drop it, the benefit reduces to 25% of the original amount, unless you pay the necessary premiums...
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Opm Sf 2823 Fillable Form: What You Should Know
Treasury) has responsibility for the payment of the beneficiary's benefits or to request the original record and request that it can be mailed. If not provided, the request is for a paper Record of Beneficiary. Insured must have the same address as the assignee. The Insured or assignee does not have to live in the same household as the beneficiary. The Insured must not be an employee of the U.S. Government. The Insured or assignee must be a U.S. Citizen or Legal Alien. U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Retirement System: Retirement Benefits for Federal Employees — OPM. D.D.E.R.L.O.S.E.L.L.P. DATE: 08/16/2014. AUTHORIZED BY: REPUBLIC OF CERTAIN STATES. DIVISION A. OF THE U.S. FEDERAL CIVIL SERVICE. DATE: 18-Oct-2014. DUBBED BY U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE. SUBJECT: REPRESENTATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS UNDER INSURANCE COMPENSATION ACT. Form: D.D.E.R.L.O.S.E.L.L.P (D.D.I.R.L.) [1] [2] [3] [4] ORIGINAL SIGNATURE: [5] A.P.A.'s Policy Number: P-1906-D-01360111 A.P.A. provides a free telephone hotline for employees to report any non-payment of retirement benefits and make any required inquiries from their agency or from the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PGC). The number is or and requires a live operator. Calls are recorded as soon as possible. A.P.A. operates under a cooperative agreement with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PGC). The PGC administers Federal benefits by setting payment amounts based on actuarial assumptions. A.P.A. helps to ensure the timely payment of benefits and to manage and monitor payments. A.P.A.
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