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Csrs designation of beneficiary Form: What You Should Know

OMB 3 — Designation of Beneficiary (CARS) Description: This form is used to designate an eligible individual who will receive a lump sum of money due upon the death of the individual, either to his estate or to the U.S. Treasury at a future time. OCCUPATIONAL, EMPLOYMENT, AND SAME-SEX BENEFICIARY SELECTION The rules for OPEN and the same-sex option are different. OPEN is used by employees and their spouses to designate the estate of a deceased individual in which property of the deceased member is to be distributed to persons who have, or are assumed to have, the responsibility for managing or administering the estate. OPEN does not affect the standard rules in  OCEANSIDE -- A Tribute to the Civil Service (OCCUPATIONAL, EMPLOYMENT, AND SAME-SEX BENEFICIARY -- OCCUPATIONAL) REGULATIONS OF 1974. Nor does it affect the rules on who is eligible for the same-sex option. To learn more about the option, refer to the Office of Personnel Management website. DUTIES OF OBSCENITY/FAILURE TO OBSCENE CIVIL SERVICE RULES Those who violate certain civil service confidentiality requirements are subject to administrative fines, up to the amount of the breach of the secrecy requirement, unless the penalty is waived by the department. Violators are also subject to revocation of their clearance or clearance renewal on the grounds that the violation of secrecy has caused material damage to the United States. See Title 14 CFR Part 29. For additional background information, refer to Civil Service FAQs. DUTIES OF OBSCENITY/FAILURE TO OBSCENE CIVIL SERVICE ORDERS FOR A PERSON UNDER THIS ORDER Those who fail to comply with orders or directives in this order are subject to administrative fines, up to the amount of the failure to obey, unless the penalty is waived by the department or the court. The failure to obey any such order or directive is also cause for termination from duty. However, this includes personnel who are otherwise not subject to this notice under any other provision of this order. For further background information, refer to Section 1.02 of this order. For further background information, refer to Chapter 1, Section 1.08 of OPM Directive 5200.

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